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The 10th Annual Smart Growth Summit is on Friday, November 18th from 8:00am-4:00pm at the Melville Marriott.

Sponsorships are available!

Register today!

[ ] Visionary ($15,000) [ ] Leader ($10,000) [ ] Gold Sponsor ($5,000) [ ] Sponsor ($2,000) [ ] ___ seats ($125/person)
Method of Payment: [ ] Check enclosed [ ] Check sent (faxed replies only) [ ] Pay at the door [ ] Credit Card

Attendee Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Address: ____________________________________________________City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Email: _______________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ________________________

Credit Card: [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] American Express Name, as it appears on card: ____________________________________

Credit Card Number: __________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________________


RSVP or ask any questions by phone to 631-261-0242, by email to or by fax to 631-754-4452.

Vision Long Island
24 Woodbine Ave., Suite Two
Northport, NY 11768
Phone: (631) 261-0242. Fax: (631) 754-4452.

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